Friday, January 24, 2014

Well, we're off & running with the new year. I've been pretty good at keeping up with what I had planned for the daily trip to the studio, except the weather has gotten in the way! The cold, coupled with the wind, has prevented me from being in the studio for any length of time due to the fact the wind has forced cold air up under the studio & my feet have gotten way too cold!  But, I've been getting things done!  I've been working on those leader/ender scrap quilts & have made a nice dent in 2 of the projects. I'll post some pictures when they get to the finished stage.
I have a sad note to add today. Yesterday we lost our beloved Duke. Poor little guy was almost 16 years old, blind & has been going down hill the last couple of months. He really took a nose dive night before last with a seizure. He came out of it scared & crying most of the night. Yesterday morning he went into another seizure & it just kept on. I hurriedly got dressed & got him to the Vet just as they opened up for the day. There was no alternative but to have him put to sleep. It was a pretty tough day yesterday. He's been my constant companion 24/7 for the last 7 or 8 years. What's funny is that he was my hubby's dog, but he chose to be with me in the truck the last years I was driving & retired when I did almost 2 years ago.  Now he's in doggy heaven with his sister, Candy, that we lost just over 3 years ago. I sure do miss him & her, but we still have the purr girls to keep us in fur!
Rest in peace buddy! Mommy & Daddy miss you!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Treadle machines

The other day when I dropped off those first quilts of the new year, my customer & I were discussing treadle sewing machines.  My BFF just acquired 2 of them & I was interested in one. Come to find out, she has 3 of them!  I took the serial numbers off of two of them & inquired to Singer about them. One came back as having been manufactured July 22, 1014 in Elizabeth, NJ. It's just about to have it's 100 birthday! And, better yet, it works beautifully!  My customer is in her mid 70's & is looking to get rid of some of her stuff that's taking up space...including these machines! I may be getting a treadle here soon. Don't really know where I'm going to put it, but I'm not going to let it sit & just be a piece of furniture, I want to use it! any of you have treadle machines that you use??

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Well, we're off to a good start this year! Two customer quilts done!

The first one is a bargello, the second is a One Block Wonder. Just some simple quilting made these two stand out nicely.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Well Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed their ringing in the new year last night with their favorite person! I was asleep at the stroke of midnight & hubby is in Oklahoma delivering! Nothing new for us, I think we can count on one hand the amount of times we've been together on new years. That's trucking life for ya!
Today is Wednesday, which means it's Queenie's day. Good thing too, I have 2 customer quilts to get on & off her pretty quickly. Both are lap size, so won't take that long. Naomi knows I turn her quilts around pretty quick & these will be no exception!
Tomorrow is Trim Thursday. However I don't have anything to trim! But I do have a couple that need binding, so those will be done on Friday.  Guess tomorrow will be a scrappy day or a Queenie day, or both!
I'm also having a friend over today. Diana used to own her own quilt shop here locally, but closed it several years ago. Then she had a baby, who's now old enough for school, so she's getting back into quilting. It'll be fun to have someone to play with for a few hours!
Everyone take care, relax & enjoy your day! I know I will!!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Well, here it is...New Years eve. Another year bites the dust. In looking back at this year, I can't say it was the best one I've ever had, but probably not the worst either. Quilting wise, I've learned a lot, made a few new friends, gained a couple of new customers & just flat expanded my abilities. I think I did well.

I just inventoried my studio to see what I had in the hopper for projects. Believe it or not, I only have 5 UFO's! Not bad! I also counted up the kits that are awaiting made, I have 6. Also not bad.  And, believe it or not, all of these are not full size quilts! Most of the kits are under 44" wallhangings.  I think I can manage to finish off all of these in 2014.

Something I didn't count in the UFO grouping, but maybe should have, is three leader/ender projects. One is scrappy blocks made out of 2" X 3 1/2" rectangles. When I have 2" strips left over from something I just cut them up & throw them into a bag. Then I just grab & sew.  Another one is a bow-tie. It's just a simple scrappy that I got off a tutorial by Missouri Star Quilt Co. It utilizes 5" charm squares, so I've cut a bunch of them up & am using them to make this quilt. The 3rd one is also going to take awhile to complete. It's a Cathedral Window quilt. Hopefully I'll get it to King size when it's finished. I'm going to use the sewing machine method & not do it all by hand. After doing the Grandmother's Flower Garden all by hand, I'm not doing it again!

I've come up with a way of doing things this year. I hope I stick to the program!
Monday - will be known as "Scrappy Monday". I'll either cut pieces for those scrappy projects or sew on them. If I make a concerted effort one day a week, I may just get them done in my life time!
Tuesday - "UFO Tuesday".  Get them back to the WIP status, one at a time til they're done.
Wednesday - "UFO, Queenie style". My quilts to be quilted are starting to pile up & I need to get them done!
Thursday - "Trim it day". Get those quilts that are quilted & ready for binding.
Friday - "Binding Day". Yep, finish those quilts & don't forget the label!
Of course, if there's time left over from one of these, work on the scrappys.  Of course, this will work nicely only if I don't have a customer quilt to quilt! Then, I'll try & get back to that days schedule when I'm done with theirs.

I hope everyone stays safe tonight & have a Great New Year!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Whew! Have I been busy! We just finished up our guild's annual quilt show for another year. It's a lot of work putting on these shows, but hope all that attended had a good time & enjoyed all the quilts that we displayed.
Good news! I had three entries & took home 3 ribbons! WOOHOO!! Also, two of my customers entered their quilts & both took home ribbons! So, everything that I had a hand in that was judged came home with ribbons! I think that makes for one successful show for me!  On to what am I entering next year! I've got some ideas, now to get them done.
I'm still exploring Irena Bluhm's ideas. I really like the idea of painting rather than piecing. Not that I object to piecing, but I like being able to come up with the shading of the designs that you can't do with piecing. I've got a quilt on paper that needs to be finished up & made into a quilt. I might have it ready in time for next years show. We'll see.
I will finish up what I affectionately call Mr. Eagle. I really didn't want to put him in this year as he would be competing against Heart Abloom & Bird of Paradise. They're all in the same class.  He'll definitely make the show next year.
I did get most of my swaps done & in the mail in the last couple of weeks also. Just the Secret Santa one to go.  I have some things left to make for that one & then in the mail it will go.
I'll try & do better at posting on the blog this next year. I know that once a month for updates is a bit too infrequent. Maybe if I set a goal of once a week I can do better.
Til next time...........happy quilting!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Well, here's another quilt for the guild's annual quilt show.  This one is called Bird of Paradise.  It's one of Judy Niemeyer's older patterns that I had picked up several years ago & finally got it together. I've heard quilter's say her patterns are hard, but I didn't. Once you get her technique of doing paper piecing down, it's not hard at all!