Well! I've been gone a very long time, but it's time to get back to blogging.
Let's start with catching up!
I see the last post was April of 2016. So...I've got to bring you up to speed since then!
I sold Queenie. A nice young lady from Katy, TX came up & bought her.
And Hubby, Floyd, came off the road to run local & is home every night & off weekends. It's really changed my schedule! Plus, we've joined the local American Legion Post. So we've gotten involved with the activities there also. More about that as we go along.
As for me, personally, I got sick in October. I mean REALLY sick! As in DEAD! Yep, that's what I said, D.E.A.D.! 3 times! It's amazing what an ingrown pubic hair can do! I got one that festered & got infected & somehow got a couple different strains of e coli & sepsis set in. All in all, 42 days in 4 different hospitals, of which 8 days were in a medically induced coma. I barely made it home for Thanksgiving.
I'm going to try my best to get ya'll caught up, so stay tune!
Let's start with catching up!
I see the last post was April of 2016. So...I've got to bring you up to speed since then!
I sold Queenie. A nice young lady from Katy, TX came up & bought her.
And Hubby, Floyd, came off the road to run local & is home every night & off weekends. It's really changed my schedule! Plus, we've joined the local American Legion Post. So we've gotten involved with the activities there also. More about that as we go along.
As for me, personally, I got sick in October. I mean REALLY sick! As in DEAD! Yep, that's what I said, D.E.A.D.! 3 times! It's amazing what an ingrown pubic hair can do! I got one that festered & got infected & somehow got a couple different strains of e coli & sepsis set in. All in all, 42 days in 4 different hospitals, of which 8 days were in a medically induced coma. I barely made it home for Thanksgiving.
I'm going to try my best to get ya'll caught up, so stay tune!