Well, here it is...New Years eve. Another year bites the dust. In looking back at this year, I can't say it was the best one I've ever had, but probably not the worst either. Quilting wise, I've learned a lot, made a few new friends, gained a couple of new customers & just flat expanded my abilities. I think I did well.
I just inventoried my studio to see what I had in the hopper for projects. Believe it or not, I only have 5 UFO's! Not bad! I also counted up the kits that are awaiting made, I have 6. Also not bad. And, believe it or not, all of these are not full size quilts! Most of the kits are under 44" wallhangings. I think I can manage to finish off all of these in 2014.
Something I didn't count in the UFO grouping, but maybe should have, is three leader/ender projects. One is scrappy blocks made out of 2" X 3 1/2" rectangles. When I have 2" strips left over from something I just cut them up & throw them into a bag. Then I just grab & sew. Another one is a bow-tie. It's just a simple scrappy that I got off a tutorial by Missouri Star Quilt Co. It utilizes 5" charm squares, so I've cut a bunch of them up & am using them to make this quilt. The 3rd one is also going to take awhile to complete. It's a Cathedral Window quilt. Hopefully I'll get it to King size when it's finished. I'm going to use the sewing machine method & not do it all by hand. After doing the Grandmother's Flower Garden all by hand, I'm not doing it again!
I've come up with a way of doing things this year. I hope I stick to the program!
Monday - will be known as "Scrappy Monday". I'll either cut pieces for those scrappy projects or sew on them. If I make a concerted effort one day a week, I may just get them done in my life time!
Tuesday - "UFO Tuesday". Get them back to the WIP status, one at a time til they're done.
Wednesday - "UFO, Queenie style". My quilts to be quilted are starting to pile up & I need to get them done!
Thursday - "Trim it day". Get those quilts that are quilted & ready for binding.
Friday - "Binding Day". Yep, finish those quilts & don't forget the label!
Of course, if there's time left over from one of these, work on the scrappys. Of course, this will work nicely only if I don't have a customer quilt to quilt! Then, I'll try & get back to that days schedule when I'm done with theirs.
I hope everyone stays safe tonight & have a Great New Year!